
Anneke + Malcolm

Anneke + Malcolm were married in the middle of Friday's crazy storm. Thankfully both vintage cars made it to the church and God held off the rain between 2 and 4 like we asked, giving us plenty of opportunity to get some awesome (and rather windy) photos around Fremantle.


Anonymous said...

Amazing once again arls! well done esp with the conditions!! beautful and wintry!

Ryan and Erica Swarts said...

Beautiful photos Arlene - you have an amazing talent! The wintry weather just makes the photos look even better! You have captured them both perfectly!! It was amazing how they had the perfect weather for the ceremony and photos coz just before we rocked up it was still raining a bit - God definetly answered prayers!

Anonymous said...

These are so beautiful! I get such a lovely wintry feeling from them.

DereknSteph said...

I know who Anneke is but who is Malcolm?

Steph Vandevelde