
The Olde Family

I spent this afternoon with the Olde family, all the grandkids are so cute, they had to be up here.

Enjoy your Christmas everyone and I'll be back in the new year.


Rebecca & Nathan

Rebecca and Nathan were married yesterday at the Upper Reach Winery in the Swan Valley. I had such a great time shooting the wedding, it was such an amazing day, so beautiful and so relaxed. Beck and Nathan both looked absolutely smashing and were so much fun to work with.

Rebecca and Nathan - Thanks for sharing your day with me, you were both great. I can't wait to show you the rest of the photo's, they're all my new favorites : ).


Leena & Lior

I had a great night last night. Saw Leena and Lior at the Quarry. They are both such amazing singers and people, if you havn't already I definitely recommend you look them up and see either of them play next time they're in your town, or check their music on their sites (linked above)

So Leena is one of my beautiful and talented friends, tonight is her last gig (it's at the Fly bye night club in Fremantle) before moving to Melbourne in the new year. (Going to miss you Leena). Here she is...

And Lior...


So its been a while I know, things are getting pretty crazy at the moment. So much on.
I've besides other things, I've been flat out trying to finish my new website which should be going up over the weekend, yay. Off to photograph my good friend Leena as she supports Lior tonight at the Quarry theater, should be fun.
I will closing for Christmas from the 18th of December till the 2nd of Jan, so expect the blogs to continue being slow.


The Bird

This little bird was hanging out in East Perth on Friday. I was there second shooting a wedding and snuck a few shots in of this friendly little fella. He was so cool about being photographed and was pulling a couple moves for the camera.


Friday night was for me another BBQ in Mandurah, I love bbq's and even more with a camera in my hand.
My two lovely house mates ben & han

Rach and me. Rach is pregnant, yay, can't wait to get some piccies of her belly and their new puppy, oh the world really is an oyster... so so may things to do and take photos of.
The bens, these four lovely lads are just some of my friends named Ben. (I collect them, haha)

mmmmm.... I love what my new 50mm 1.4 will do.