
My Leica

Let me introduce you to my first ever compact digital camera, yep I finally have one, It's the beautiful Leica D-Lux 3.

I'm so excited to carry this gorgeous lil thing everywhere with me so I never have another "wish I had my camera here" moment : )

Some of you may have remembered me winning the Nikon 80D a couple months back, this is my "sell it buy it" swap so ultimately considered my grand prize, YAY.


Teressa + Frank

Teressa + Frank were married in Kattaning last weekend.It was a stunner of a day (though I think it dropped into minus when the sun set :)


I've been tagged

I've been tagged by Samm Blake, my great friend, amazing photographer and daily discussion board : )

Here are the rules!
1. Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
2. Share 5 songs you are embarrassed to admit to others you like and tell why.
3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
4. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Here are my 5 songs:

On top of the world by The Carpenters - I know pretty sad but it brings back memories : )

Isn't it Ironic by Alannis Morrisette

Under the sea
from the Little mermaid soundtrack - Thats one I know every word to thanks to a lil' Disney craze I went through when I was like 9 or something like that.

Indecent Obsession - Haha, I've never actually heard their music, but their record cover is hanging in our living room just for a laugh.

Hey Mickey - still havn't worked out who sings it but I will have to sing along if its playing somewhere.

I'm not going to tag but will link to my 7 fav blogs:

Justin Demers, Jose Villa, Nick Onken,
Image is found, Sean Flanigan,

Jesh Derox
The B school


Kylie + Craig

Kylie + Craig are getting married this Saturday (my birthday - Yay)



I have a new boy in my life... his name is Samuel. He is the latest addition to my family, born to my lil sis just over a week ago. I finally got to meet him when I headed down south for the weekend. I think he's an absolute cutie.

My Dad bought Sam this little beanie, it was made from a sheep of his namesake, haha.


Amy + Brenden

Amy's married. I finally got to meet the lucky man on Friday night and totally approved. I love watching Amy + Brenden together, they're so in love, just check out the pics.

For those of you who don't know, Amy is one of my closest friends (although she lives on the other side of the country, so not that close haha), I hadn't seen Amy in 2 years before this trip and prior to that always with short spiky hair and in a hoody and jeans. I always knew Amy was HOT but seeing her with waist length hair and a dress totally blew me away.

I was priviledged to have a double roll of bridesmaid and photographer for the wedding a totally new way of doing things for me, but an absolute blast.

Amy - miss you already, totally can't wait to see you in Port when I'm rich. haha.
Brenden - so good to finally meet you, you're all Amy ever asked for - tall (well kind of), dark and handsome : ).
Enjoy your honeymoon. xxx


Clint + Michelle

Clint + Michelle are getting married next month at Fairbridge in Pinjarra. Can't wait.


Lost in Traffik

I found this website today while searching for issues and ideas to cover for my next personal project. Love146 is an amazing organization, fighting against child trafficking. watch the video. (WARNING: it made me cry.)

Lost in Traffik is a similar Perth based project that uses photography exhibitions to raise awareness and funds. It has really inspired me, check it out

Teressa + Frank

Weekend after next I'm heading down to Katanning for Teressa + Franks wedding. Should be a blast, these two are so cute together.

ooooh, 24mm beauty... I love that lens


Amy's Hens Weekend

Less than a week till Amy's wedding. We headed south with a couple of girls for the weekend, for some fun, fine food, and of course photo's.

Are you thinking what I'm thinking? "How could such a good looker get away without being snapped up earlier in life"
Nope, we weren't playing armies, just trying some fancy face mask that Jody found in a local store. I think the green really brings out my eyes, haha. Hope you all had a great weekend too.