
Jenn + Chris

Jenn + Chris are getting married next Friday. Yay. I can tell already that we are going to have fun.

A busy week/end coming up.
Tomorrow, Jen Nie + Micheals wedding, after which I'm heading straight down south to help out a kids camp for the week. Should be some crazy fun coming my way, so there will be no email replies till Thursday. Hope you all have a great long weekend. x

Ollie + Em

I finally edited the photos from my own family photo session which I shot just before leaving for Indonesia in July. These two photos where my favs. It's my younger bro Ollie and his girlfriend Emma


Kath + Luke

Kath + Luke where married on Saturday in the Millbrook winery garden surrounded by friends and cherry blossoms, could it get much better? The rain held off for the ceremony then started dropping in the most peaceful gentle shower - It all felt a bit surreal


Mamiya II

More from the Mamiya. This time, my beautiful hairy friend Ben shortly after waking.
Check back tomorrow for the first wedding post of the season :)


Mamiya 6

I just got my first couple of rolls back that where shot on my Mamiya 6 - My new travel buddy.
Oh how I love the grainy sexiness of film and the beauty of a square.
This pic was taken at Tims Thicket with Ash the dog as my model:)


Fuji Getaway

I'm down at Bunker Bay for a couple of days on the Fuji Getaway. It's been awesome getting to meet a heap of new people and get inspired by everyone. Plus I'm 50m form one of my favorite beaches, yay. Samm and I headed down after the seminars yesterday to play with tilt shift. hmm



I had a great day Friday working with Kiah and her friends in the studio. Kiah wanted bright and fun. We had loads of both. Thanks to Kay and Seriah for the make-up and styling.

Off to Bunker bay tomorrow for the Fuji Getaway - Yay


New Zealand

One more weekend off before my wedding season starts. I've been making the most of time and aside from being knee deep in album design, I have been digging through some of my personal work for an upcoming project. I found this photo among my New Zealand files. I love it, it reminds me of snow and mulled wine.


Guilt free shopping

I love T-shirts. I love them even more when buying them helps out a good cause. I just ordered the t-shirt pictured below, it's sweat shop free, environmentally friendly and the profits help stop child sex-slavery and exploitation.

For all of you that love bit of guilt free shopping look here to see what else is available from Skreened.


blast from the past

Last night I undertook a limb risking, butt toning escapade and joined some of my friends and a bunch of uni students for a night out at rolloways.

My house mate Han - I think she really suits the wig.

Me and my new skates that I picked up for $5 at the opshop last weekend. I just new they would come in handy one day :) -Plus they had racing stripes on them, who could resist really.


Arianty + Raf

This week is album week... I'm getting stuck into designing all the album orders that have come in. I'm currently working on Arianty + Raf's portrait session book. Here's a couple of my fav images that will be in it.