I know there hasn't been many photo's the last two weeks. It's FotoFreo, I have been so busy checking out all the awesome exhibitions, listening to floor talks, seminars, and meeting some of the most amazing photographers around.I was lucky enough to hear Broomberg and Chanarin speak about their work last week, these guys are two of my favorite photographers, their work Fig is up at the Fremantle prison now or get down to New Editions and check out their book Ghetto (its my most fav photo book.)I've also had the chance to meet with the amazing photographer Stephan Dupont, his work is exhibiting at the Moores building (upstairs), I definitely recommend checking it out.
This morning I had the honor of meeting a whole range of editors and photographers for a portfolio review, a totally worthwhile, slightly daunting but completely rewarding exercise.... looks like I have to move to Sydney haha.
And finally here's a photo... me at work haha.... Saturday I photographed Kellie + James wedding held on the Leeuwin, I climbed the mast to get a group shoot. I love my job : )
OMG Arlene i would have shat myself if i had to do that. You are one brave woman, bet the photo looked amazing.
OMG Arlene i would have shat myself if i had to do that. You are one brave woman, bet the photo looked amazing.
i been there! spent a week on the leeuwin sailing from albany to perth. it's pretty crazy getting up on that mast... i want your job!!
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