Remember the portfolio reviews from last week that I was so excited about, well as it turned out all those amazing people who reviewed our work where asked to vote on the best portfolio and the mine was selected.
As I am a Canon shooter, with a whole range of Canon lenses, I don't have much use for this camera. If any of you or your friends are looking at getting into the world of digital SLR and would love a great deal on a Nikon D80 then give me a call on 0403793730 or email me at arlene(at)arlenebax.com
I have the next couple of weekends off, so a bit of time to catch up with family and friends, YAY. Off to Albany today, for a maternity shoot with my little sis Viv. My other sister Ruth is also due to pop out a little one any time now. Double family extension coming up : )

Yay for you!! And to think, I purchased the Canon 450D less than a week ago. Would've definitely been interested in the Nikon. Alas, fate would have it differently.
Congratulations on your win!! Can't say I'm really surprised...
congrats arlene ... went to see your exhibition and thought it was great ... its nice to see that you get some recognition for your fab work
Are you still looking to sell your Nikon? I'm in Canada, I don't know if that makes a difference....
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