Ainsley and Tyrone were married on the family farm in Geraldton on the 19th of April. The day was a stunner, the couple and the farm were all a stunner.
Me. YAYThe prize... the Nikon D80 camera with an 18-135mm lens.
Remember the portfolio reviews from last week that I was so excited about, well as it turned out all those amazing people who reviewed our work where asked to vote on the best portfolio and the mine was selected.
As I am a Canon shooter, with a whole range of Canon lenses, I don't have much use for this camera. If any of you or your friends are looking at getting into the world of digital SLR and would love a great deal on a Nikon D80 then give me a call on 0403793730 or email me at arlene(at)
I have the next couple of weekends off, so a bit of time to catch up with family and friends, YAY. Off to Albany today, for a maternity shoot with my little sis Viv. My other sister Ruth is also due to pop out a little one any time now. Double family extension coming up : )
Kellie + James tied the knot on the Leeuwin on April the 12th. An amazing afternoon ceremony out on the ocean, followed by a reception at the Maritime museum.
Just a little sneak peek from Kellie + James wedding last weekend. More to come soon. Off to Geraldton for Ainsley + Tyrone's wedding and a bit of mix tape/road trip goodness.
Cooper is the cute little son of one of my first wedding couples, Matt and Penny. We got together yesterday for a few family photos and of course a heap of Cooper doing his thing...
If I ever talk about sparkle-y eyes, (as i tend to at times) then look no further for an example, Coopers already a master.
I know there hasn't been many photo's the last two weeks. It's FotoFreo, I have been so busy checking out all the awesome exhibitions, listening to floor talks, seminars, and meeting some of the most amazing photographers around.I was lucky enough to hear Broomberg and Chanarin speak about their work last week, these guys are two of my favorite photographers, their work Fig is up at the Fremantle prison now or get down to New Editions and check out their book Ghetto (its my most fav photo book.)I've also had the chance to meet with the amazing photographer Stephan Dupont, his work is exhibiting at the Moores building (upstairs), I definitely recommend checking it out.
This morning I had the honor of meeting a whole range of editors and photographers for a portfolio review, a totally worthwhile, slightly daunting but completely rewarding exercise.... looks like I have to move to Sydney haha.
And finally here's a photo... me at work haha.... Saturday I photographed Kellie + James wedding held on the Leeuwin, I climbed the mast to get a group shoot. I love my job : )
I'm slowly searching through all my old stuff for pics and things that trigger that little happy buzz or make me feel things (I know deep huh), I'm on a mission to start a new personal project I have in mind so I might keep sharing some of the treasures I dig up as time goes on...
To start this was taken in Thailand in 03 while working at an AIDS orphange, seeing the county side from the roof of the bus was certainly the best way to see it.
I know I've been busy when I walk into the newsagent and the new Monster Children magazine is already there. As a quarterly mag I'm usually waiting for in anticipation and frequenting the newsagent for at least 2 months prior to it's arrival.
For those of you who love a bit of art, skating, surfing, fashion, photography, pointless articles and random bits of stuff all mashed into a beautiful mag then I suggest you get your hands on it : )
Sophie + Craig had the most amazing beach ceremony last Saturday afternoon followed by drinks, dancing and photo booth at Mead's Oyster bar, Port beach. The weather was perfect, the setting serene and Sophie was looking super hot in her two dresses. The girls made thier grand entrance onto the beach in bare feet and to the beat of the bongo drums (just the way I like it, haha)