On my way back from Rote I spent a couple of days visiting friends the Harapan Baru Orphanage in Noelbaki, West Timor. Some of you may recognize some of the kids from my recent exhibition 'Jiwa', though they have all grown a heap.
Gusti and his ever gorgeous smile. Micah has grown into the cutest kid. I was in Bali almost two years ago when he was born, and spent a couple of months in the hospital with complications, you wouldn't be able to tell now... I spent my Saturday night as a guest presenter on Sahabat FM (Timor Radio). What a laugh. It made me realize how truly terrible my Indonesian is. (95.6 if you're ever in Kupang : )
i'm sure your indonesian's better than my, "bagus", and "ombak besar" (with lots of hand motions and vigorous nodding of the head :) sounds like an amazing time away arlz, island-hopping in the most beautiful part of the world!
Hey arls! looks like you had a great trip! love the photo of the kids on the fence! The radio job suits you! (: Sis
i'm sure your indonesian's better than my, "bagus", and "ombak besar" (with lots of hand motions and vigorous nodding of the head :) sounds like an amazing time away arlz, island-hopping in the most beautiful part of the world!
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